Man beats brother to death after catching him naked with wife

A man in Zimbabwe has been arrested for beating his brother to death after catching him naked with his wife in their bedroom.
According to Police in Bulawayo, 29-year-old Gatsha Masotsha, beat up his brother in rage after he suspected they were having sex in his own home.
Masotha arrived home around 1:00am and he went to his bedroom straight where his wife allowed him in after he knocked. Moments later he heard a noise in the adjoining room and asked his wife to go check it out.
She went then returned to tell him it was nothing. He decided to go check himself and found his brother, Aleck Masotsha Moyo, standing in the room naked.
He pounced on his brother, punching him all over his body then slammed his brother’s head into a wall. The brother then confessed that he had a sexual relationship with his wife.
His brother was taken to the hospital where he died from his injuries. Masotha was then arrested and has been charged with culpable homicide.